BOZEMAN, MT, 2/28/22 – The National Center for Rural Road Safety, a leading resource to help transportation agencies reduce deaths on their roads, has announced a new approach for its second tenure.
The center, also known as the Rural Road Safety Center (RRSC), offers training, technical assistance, national roadway safety certificate programs, and research specifically tailored to the needs of rural transportation practitioners.
Jaime Sullivan, director of the center, said the new team is a federation of national rural road safety specialists hand picked to meet the unique challenges of today’s transportation agencies.
“We have designed our team around three lines of effort,” Sullivan said. “Thoughtful training made just for rural issues; efficient operations for timely delivery of training and resources; and robust communication to share resources and provide even the most remote practitioner access to a national repository of solutions to their problems.”
Each line of effort has a lead, with Sullivan at the top as director. Janet Leli, director of the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), will be the training manager. Cameron Ishaq, principal management consultant and managing partner from Fasterhorse, LLC will serve as operations manager. Kevin Elliott, a senior strategic communication specialist from Applied Research Associates, Inc., will manage communications. The larger team includes instructional system designers, professional trainers, safety data analysis specialists, a media production team, and researchers and specialists in building transportation safety culture and the Safe System Approach.
Other members of the new RRSC are:
- Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB)
- The Highway Safety Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Researchers from the Western Transportation Institute; the Center for Health and Safety Culture; and members of the Montana LTAP, all at Montana State University, where the National Center for Rural Road Safety is also housed
- Researchers from the Alabama Transportation Institute at the University of Alabama
- IDT Group
- Meetings Northwest, to manage the bi-annual National Summit for Rural Road Safety
“Roadway practitioners are facing unprecedented challenges, especially on their rural systems,” Sullivan said. “We have refreshed this center and dialed in this team to meet those practitioners where they are and offer them a helping hand.”
About the National Center for Excellence for Rural Road Safety
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is a premier center of excellence for training, resources, technical assistance, and education on rural road safety issues. Funded by the Federal Highway Administration, our mission is to equip rural communities to prevent all deaths and serious injuries on their roadways. Learn more at
For more information:
(850) 819-4463