University of Wisconsin-Madison awarded Eastern TTAP Center

BOZEMAN, MONTANA – MAY 22, 2023 – The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) has been awarded a Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) Center cooperative agreement to launch the Eastern TTAP Center, which serves 65 Tribal nations across 30 states.

The award was administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Local Aid Support (LAS) team under the TTAP Notice of Funding Opportunity readvertised in December last year. It is the final of seven awards for the re-establishing of the regional TTAP Centers.

“The National Center for Rural Road Safety applauds the finalization of the re-establishment of the TTAP Centers,” said Jaime Sullivan, the Rural Road Safety Center’s director. “This commitment by the FHWA will provide meaningful technical assistance for the Tribes and deliver safer roadways for everyone on Tribal lands.”

As the Tribal component of the FHWA Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), TTAP Centers provide American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal governments with training, technical assistance, and technology services the best meets the needs of Tribal communities.

UW-Madison has partnered with Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University and New York State LTAP Center at Cornell University and plans to build on relationships, lessons learned, and best practices to effectively deliver quality TTAP services to Tribal nations in the Eastern TTAP Center region.

FHWA LAS and UW-Madison will hold a kick-off meeting in the coming weeks to officially launch the Eastern TTAP Center. For more information on FHWA’s LTAP and TTAP, visit and

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