Life Between the Lines: Rural Road Safety Awareness Week is July 15-19

BOZEMAN, MONTANA – 7/12/2024 – Rural Road Safety Awareness Week (RRSAW) is here, and the message is simple: when vehicles stay in their lane, thousands of lives are saved.  

Every year, over 11,000 people die in the U.S. when their vehicle leaves its travel lane on a rural road. That’s why the National Center for Rural Road Safety (the Center) has chosen “Life Between the Lines: Preventing Rural Roadway Departures,” as this year’s theme for RRSAW.

Register for a webinar, “Life Between the Lines: Preventing Rural Roadway Departures!,” to be held 1 PM ET Tuesday, July 16!

Our goals are to raise awareness of how deadly rural roadway departures (RwDs) are; encourage safe driving habits like wearing seatbelts and driving safe speed; and promote cost-effective safety countermeasures that can be implemented on rural roads.

“As we strive to meet our goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries on America’s roadways, we must address the staggering number of crashes that involve RwDs on rural roads,” said Jaime Sullivan, the Center’s director. “We invite everyone to join us as we raise awareness about the lifesaving power of staying between the lines on rural roadways.”

Each weekday of the campaign will have a separate topic, all related to reducing rural RwDs 

The RRSAW daily topics are:

  • Monday: Rural RwD Overview
  • Tuesday: Speed
  • Wednesday: Sharp Curves
  • Thursday: Road Conditions
  • Friday: Positive Driver Behavior 

Campaign assets will include social media graphics, comic strip posters, infographics, and other resources. Starting Monday, July 15, they will be free to download, customize, and share.

For more information about Rural Road Safety Awareness Week, visit the National Center for Rural Road Safety’s RRSAW campaign page. Download a customizable copy of this news release. Follow the National Center for Rural Road Safety on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The campaign will use the hashtag #RRSAW2024.


Media Contact:

Kevin Elliott

Marketing Manager

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