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Bridging the Gap (2018)

Bridging the Gap Summit 2018

About the Conference

The 2nd National Summit on Rural Road Safety was held December 4-6, 2018 in Savannah, GA. It was co-hosted by the National Center for Rural Road Safety (Safety Center) and the National Association of County Engineers (NACE). Sponsors included: AASHTO, the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) at Rutgers, Cambridge Systematics, and Lux Solar.

At this second summit, our goal was to lead an action oriented event with interactive sessions that provided REAL takeaways to assist attendees on their Road to Zero. A great group of speakers, facilitators and trainers were assembled to assist and inspire attendees with the hopes that attendees would leave feeling empowered to improve the safety of the rural roadway systems within their jurisdictions.

Remember, together we can make a difference in improving safety for your family, community, and all road users!

Bridging the Gap Summit Attendees


Pre-Summit Information

  • Bridging the Gap Postcard (pdf)
  • Bridging the Gap Agenda (pdf)



Summit Presentations

Some of our presenters and facilitators used powerpoint/notes. We have provided links below to the ones in which we received written permission to post them. We do hope to receive permission for a few more and will post them as they become available.

Wednesday, 12/5

  • Welcome and Keynote Speakers
    • Steve Albert, Director, National Center for Rural Road Safety and Executive Director, Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University – Bozeman
    • Honorary Gary Moore, 2nd Vice President NACo and Boone County, Kentucky Judge/
    • Brandye Hendrickson, Deputy Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), USDOT
  • Doubling Down on Things that Work: Safety Measures to Implement at Home (Moderator – Hillary Isebrands, FHWA Resource Center)
    • Road to ZeroMike Griffith, Director, Office of Safety Technologies, FHWA
    • FHWAMike Griffith, Director, Office of Safety Technologies, FHWA
    • NACEScott Davis, Safety Committee Chair, NACE and Traffic Engineering and
      Operations Manager, Thurston County Public Works
    • CDCDr. Ann Dellinger, Branch Chief, Transportation and Leisure Injury Section, CDC
    • AASHTOKelly Hardy, Program Manager for Safety, AASHTO
    • NHTSACarmen Hayes, Southeast Region Administrator, NHTSA
    • GHSARuss Martin, Director of Government Relations, GHSA
  • Successes, Partnerships, Projects, and Deployments (Moderator – Jaime Sullivan, Safety Center)

Thursday, 12/6

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